Hyderabad: Filmmakers Farah Khan and Sajid Khan's mother Menaka Irani breathed her last at the age of 79 on Friday, July 26. This unfortunate news follows closely after Farah shared on Instagram that her mother had recently undergone multiple surgeries. In the wake of Menka Irani's death, several from the film industry have begun to gather at Farah's residence to pay their respects.
One of the first to arrive at the house was actor Rani Mukerji. Other notable figures from Bollywood, including Salim Khan, the father of superstar Salman Khan, along with Sanjay Kapoor, Maniesh Paul, Vikram Phadnis, and Shiv Thakare, were also seen visiting Farah's home to express their condolences to the family.
Menka Irani's passing came shortly after she had celebrated her 79th birthday. Just two weeks before her death, Farah Khan had posted a heartfelt message to her mother on social media, sharing two photographs that captured their bond. The message reflected Farah's deep affection and respect for her mother, stating, "We all take our mothers for granted... especially me! This last month has been a revelation on how much I love my mom Menka. She's been the strongest, bravest person I've ever seen... her sense of humour intact even after multiple surgeries. Happy birthday mom! Today's a good day to come back home. Can't wait for you to get strong enough to start fighting with me again.. I lov you. (sic)"
For those who may be unaware, Menka Irani made her mark in the film industry with her involvement in the 1963 film Bachpan, which also starred Salim Khan.