Hyderabad: February 27 marks the 43rd wedding anniversary of South megastar Rajinikanth and his spouse, Latha Rajinikanth. To celebrate this special day, their younger daughter, Soundarya Rajinikanth, took to her social media handle to express her heartfelt wishes. She also posted an endearing picture of her parents alongside her note that reveals how every year on their wedding anniversary Latha makes Rajinikanth wear the chain and rings they exchanged 43 years ago.
Sharing the picture on X (previously known as Twitter), Soundarya wrote, "43 years of togetherness, my darling amma & appa !!!! .. always standing by each other rock solid. Amma cherishes and makes Appa wear the chain and rings they exchanged 43 years ago every year!!!!! Love you both too much and more #CoupleGoals."
The photo captured Rajinikanth and Latha standing side by side, displaying their golden chains and rings. The couple tied the knot in a traditional ceremony on February 28, 1981. Their love story is nothing short of a fairy tale. While filming Thillu Mullu in 1980, Rajinikanth was informed of a student's request for an interview in a college magazine. That's when Rajinikanth met his soulmate, Latha Rangachari.
For Rajinikanth, it was love at first sight. Captivated by her, Rajinikanth knew she was the one. During the interview, he bravely proposed to Latha, who graciously requested him to seek her parents' approval first. Rajinikanth then came to know that his close friend Y G Mahendran has a familial connection with Latha.
Rajinikanth sought support from several seniors from the film industry before taking permission from Latha's parents. Her parents eventually agreed, and the couple tied the knot at the Lord Venkateshwara temple in Andhra Pradesh's Tirupati. Rajinikanth and Latha are blessed with two daughters - Aishwarya and Soundarya.