Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor Khan has recently been treating her fans to several posts including pictures of herself and details about her upcoming film The Buckingham Murders. On Friday, she took to her social media handle to share a couple of mirror selfies that perfectly blend casual chic with a hint of her signature pout.
In the photos posted on her Instagram account, Kareena is seen wearing a loose-fitting white top paired with light-washed denim, exuding a relaxed yet stylish vibe. The pictures, which have garnered over 77K likes as of now, showcase Kareena's effortless charm as she playfully tousles her hair while capturing the perfect pout.
The 43-year-old actor captioned her post, "Pouting and being DEMURE," followed by three different emojis. Her fans quickly flooded the comments section with compliments, praising her for her timeless beauty and effortless style. A fan wrote, "My always fav." Another commented, "Itna khubsurat dikhna kab band karoge @kareenakapoorkhan."
Speaking of her upcoming project The Buckingham Murders, Kareena steps into a challenging role in this film, portraying a detective caught in the web of a gripping murder mystery set in the UK. The movie has generated significant buzz, especially after the release of the song Sada Pyaar Tut Gaya. The thriller mystery, directed by Hansal Mehta, is scheduled to hit the silver screens on 13 September 2024.