Hyderabad: The news is buzzing about a special gift given to Pawan Kalyan, the Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, by his sister-in-law Surekha. She gifted him a limited edition pen, which has caught everyone's attention. People are curious about its price, and estimates vary widely from Rs. 80,000 to Rs. 3 lakhs. The exact price isn't known yet, but it's clear that the pen is considered very expensive.
Megastar Chiranjeevi, Pawan's brother, shared this news on social media with a sweet caption calling it "Vadinamma's gift to Kalyan Babu." This post quickly became popular online, with fans and others reacting humorously and with interest.
Pawan Kalyan recently won the AP assembly elections from Pithapuram and has taken on important roles in the state government, including overseeing Panchayat Raj. His new responsibilities as Deputy CM have drawn attention, and this gift from his family has added a personal touch to the public's perception of him.
Overall, the gift has sparked discussions online, with many people sharing their thoughts and even making funny comments about its price. It's a heartwarming gesture amidst the political and social buzz surrounding Pawan Kalyan's new role in Andhra Pradesh.