Hyderabad: Actor-politician Pawan Kalyan, who recently won the Pithapuram Assembly election, is all geared up to take the oath on June 12 in Andhra Pradesh's Amaravathi in the presence of prominent state and national leaders, friends, and family. On this special occasion, his former wife, actor-director Renu Desai posted a video on social media featuring their children, Akira and Aadya, dressed up and ready to attend the ceremony.
Renu Desai took to her Instagram account to share a heartwarming video of her children getting ready for the special occasion via video call. In the caption, she extended her best wishes to her ex-husband Pawan Kalyan on his big day, expressing her hope that he would bring about positive change to the state of Andhra Pradesh and its people.
She wrote, "And this is how my cuties got ready for their Nanas big day over video call. Wishing Kalyan garu lots of luck for his wish to do good for the AP state and society." The video showcased the siblings all decked up for the ceremony. While Akira wore a red kurta paired with a panche, Aadya opted for a simple yet elegant purple churidar. The duo beamed with pride, flashing bright smiles.
This is not the first time Renu Desai has shared a special moment involving her children and prominent political figures. Just a few days ago, she had posted a photo of Akira with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, accompanied by a heartfelt caption. As a proud mother, Renu Desai was overjoyed to see her son meet the Prime Minister, and she couldn't help but express her admiration for the BJP and Modi. The photo had left her feeling overwhelmed with emotion.
- Pawan Kalyan's Ex-wife Renu Desai Elated as Son Akira Meets Modi, Manifests next Meeting for His Own Achievements
- Watch: Celebrations Begin at Pawan Kalyan Home, Here's How Renu Desai Reacts to Jana Sena Party Lead in Pithapuram
- Pawan Kalyan's ex wife Renu Desai lashes out at former's fans for uncalled comments on son's b'day post