Hyderabad: Maddock Films, under the leadership of producer Dinesh Vijan, has unveiled a slate of eight films from its groundbreaking Maddock Supernatural Universe (MSU). Known for redefining storytelling in Indian cinema, the production house has previously delivered blockbusters like Stree 2, Munjya, and Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya. With this new lineup, Maddock Films aims to cement its position as a pioneer of genre-blending narratives.
The MSU promises a thrilling mix of spooks, laughter, and chills, creating an interconnected universe that will captivate audiences. Here's the complete schedule of releases spanning 2025 to 2028:
- 2025
Thama (Diwali 2025): The universe kicks off with this highly anticipated film.
Shakti Shalini (December 31, 2025): A supernatural extravaganza to close the year with a bang.
- 2026
Bhediya 2 (August 14, 2026): The much-awaited sequel to Bhediya brings back Varun Dhawan in another action-packed horror-comedy.
Chamunda (December 4, 2026): Promising spine-chilling mystery, this film adds a darker tone to the universe.
- 2027
Stree 3 (August 13, 2027): The beloved Stree franchise returns with its third instalment, building on its fan legacy.
Maha Munjya (December 24, 2027): The sequel to Munjya offers another dose of hilarity and scares.
- 2028
Pehla Mahayudh (August 11, 2028)
Doosara Mahayudh (October 11, 2028): The final chapter of MSU promises a spectacular finish to the franchise.
Dinesh Vijan's meticulous planning and commitment to storytelling innovation are evident in this cinematic universe. Building on the success of earlier hits like Stree and Bhediya, Maddock Films aims to redefine the cinematic experience for audiences. The MSU is set to elevate horror-comedy in India, creating a universe that seamlessly blends supernatural thrills with laugh-out-loud moments.
Fans can look forward to an extraordinary cinematic journey over the next four years as Maddock Films delivers its unique vision of storytelling.