Hyderabad: As voting for the fifth phase of Lok Sabha elections commenced on Monday, Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan stepped out and exercised his right to vote. The Dhoom actor was accompanied by his sister Sunaina Roshan and their parents Rakesh Roshan and Pinkie Roshan. The Roshan family post casting their votes, flashed their inked finger to the media persons stationed at the polling booth.
For the outing, Hrithik opted for an all-black look. The actor wore a well-fitted black t-shirt paired with black trousers and a matching hat. he completed his look with a clear pair of glasses. Accompanying him was his father, Rakesh Roshan, who opted for an olive green shirt, black trousers and his power glasses.
For the unversed, the voting on Monday started at 7 am and will continue until 6 pm, with those in line by the closing time still allowed to vote. As per the ECI, over 8.95 crore voters, including 4.69 crore males, 4.26 crore females, and 5409 third-gender electors, will decide the fate of 695 candidates in the fifth phase of voting.
The fifth phase witnesses key contests in various constituencies. Leaders such as Rahul Gandhi, BJP leaders Rajnath Singh, Smriti Irani, Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Piyush Goyal, Ujjwal Nikam, Karan Bhushan Singh, LJP (Ramvilas) chief Chirag Paswan, JKNC chief Omar Abdullah, and RJD leader Rohini Acharya are looking for electoral success.
Eight states/UTs going for polls in phase 5 are Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. Of the 49 Lok Sabha seats, 14 are from Uttar Pradesh, 13 from Maharashtra, 7 from West Bengal, 5 from Bihar, 3 from Jharkhand, 5 from Odisha, and one each from Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.
In a bid to create a peaceful atmosphere for the electors, a total of 2,000 flying squads, 2105 static surveillance teams, 881 video surveillance teams, and 502 video viewing teams are keeping surveillance round the clock across the 94,732 polling stations.
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