Hyderabad: Renowned Bollywood director Karan Johar shared a promotional video of his highly anticipated upcoming streaming series Showtime. On Tuesday, he took to his social media handle and treated his followers with this captivating new video, capturing the attention of his fans and industry friends, including filmmaker Vasan Bala.
Sharing the video on his Instagram handle, Karan Johar wrote in the caption, "Bohot sara drama aur blockbuster entertainment - sab kuch only in #HotstarSpecials #Showtime, streaming March 8th only on Disney + Hotstar! #ShowtimeOnHotstar."
The promotional video portrays KJo being pitched a story idea by a few writers for his next project. As the narrative unfolds, it becomes apparent that the storyline bears striking similarities to Karan's own journey as a filmmaker. The climax reveals a scene where Karan discusses the script with his mother, leading to a moment of uncertainty as he realizes the parallels between the proposed idea and his own life story.
Reacting to his video, a fan wrote, "No one takes jokes on oneself like Karan johar! Epic!" Another wrote, "I think Karan should consider a comeback into acting." Meanwhile, Vasan Bala took to his Instagram Story to praise the video, writing, "@karanjohar Waaate Performance!" Karan, in turn, reshared Vasan's IG Story, humorously commenting, "Cast Karlo Vasan! Aapko bravery ka award milega! Have some Jigra yaar!"
Helmed by director Sumit Roy and bankrolled by Karan's Dharmatic Entertainment, the series features a stellar cast including Emraan Hashmi, Rajeev Khandelwal, Mouni Roy, Naseeruddin Shah, and Shriya Saran in pivotal roles. Showtime will premiere on Disney+Hotstar on March 8.