Hyderabad: In an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat, director KD Shybu Mundackal revealed intriguing details about his upcoming film Akananuru, a grand Malayalam cinematic venture that explores the history and mythology of South India. The movie, based on the Sangam period, is set to capture the attention of both Indian and global audiences with its unique mix of ancient history, epic storytelling, and world-class music.
The story of Akananuru delves deep into the cultural and historical significance of the Chera, Chola, and Pandya empires, kingdoms that ruled over present-day Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and parts of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka during the Sangam period. This era, which flourished between the 1st and 3rd centuries AD, is rich in literature, music, and conflict. However, the history of this remarkable civilisation has been largely overshadowed by the domination of Northern India's historical narratives.
In the interview, director KD spoke passionately about the lack of comprehensive cinematic representations of this crucial period in Indian history. "The history of the Chera, Chola, and Pandya kingdoms is often overlooked in modern textbooks and narratives," he said. "Through Akananuru, we aim to bring to life the stories of these ancient empires and the legendary figures who shaped their destiny, such as Perinchotuthiyan, Nedumcheraladan, and Cheran Chenkottuvan."
Mundackal emphasised that the film will not only explore the heroism and valour of these kings but will also touch upon the deep emotional elements such as love, revenge, and sacrifice, which are key themes in the ancient Sangam literature. "Akananuru is not just about wars and kingdoms; it is about the soul of the South Indian civilisation - the poetry, the passion, and the eternal conflicts of the human spirit," the director elaborated.
One of the most exciting aspects of Akananuru is its star-studded cast and international collaboration. While the identity of the lead actor remains a closely guarded secret, the director confirmed that one of India's most iconic actors will portray the hero. "It is India's best actor, someone with the skill to portray both the grandeur and vulnerability of a historical figure," the director hinted, keeping the suspense high.
In a major crossover of talent, the villain of the film will be none other than Hollywood superstar Gerard Butler, famous for his role in the blockbuster 300. According to Mundackal, preliminary discussions with Butler have already been held, and the actor's involvement in the project is a significant step in blending Indian cinema with global appeal.
"We are incredibly excited to have Gerard Butler on board. His international stature will bring immense value to the film, and his role will be integral to the film's story arc," said Mundakkal. The movie's fusion of Indian and global talent will undoubtedly appeal to a diverse range of audiences, offering a blend of traditional storytelling with modern cinematic techniques.
Given the immense cultural importance of music in the Sangam period, Akananuru will be heavily driven by its musical score, which is set to be a unique fusion of Indian classical and international influences. The filmmaker explained that music will play a pivotal role in shaping the emotional tone of the film. The film will have a duration of over three hours, with one hour dedicated entirely to the use of music as storytelling.
Kavalam Narayana Panicker, the legendary Malayalam poet and songwriter, initially started work on the film's soundtrack, but due to health concerns, the director himself took on the responsibility of completing the lyrics. The film features collaborations with renowned Indian playback singers like K. J. Yesudas, Chitra, and Anuradha Sriram. The soundtrack also boasts the participation of renowned American singer Alex Boye, known for his powerful fusion of gospel and world music.
A standout feature of the film's music is a seven-and-a-half-minute Shiva Tandava dance performance, which is considered a cosmic expression of rhythm and energy. The choreography for the sequence has been done by world-renowned dancers, and the daf (a traditional Iranian percussion instrument) will be played by Asal Malekasda, who is regarded as the 'princess of the daf.'
Mundackal revealed that one of the key goals of Akananuru is to revitalise the cultural understanding of Kerala and Tamil Nadu's history, which has largely been overshadowed by the northern narratives. "Through Akananuru, we hope to educate audiences about the rich heritage of South India and remind them of the importance of preserving our historical identity," he said.
The director is also aware of the challenges in making a film of such historical and cultural significance. "We want to create a historical narrative that feels authentic yet accessible to a modern audience. Akananuru is not just a history lesson; it is a piece of art that will entertain while educating,” he added.
Mundackal clarified that despite the film's heavy historical and cultural themes, it is first and foremost an entertainment experience. He cited successful historical epics like Ponniyin Selvan, which have successfully balanced entertainment with historical authenticity. "While historical accuracy is important, a film like Akananuru will be designed to keep the audience engaged and entertained," he assured.
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