Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh, who recently appeared in Karan Johar's Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani alongside Alia Bhatt, will be occupied with the shooting of his upcoming projects for the next couple of years. According to a report by a news portal, apart from Don 3 and Singham Again, Ranveer is gearing up for another significant film titled Shaktimaan, to be helmed by Basil Joseph.
According to a webloid report, Don 3 will be shot both in India and abroad over a duration of seven months, scheduled to conclude by March 2025. Following this, Ranveer will start working on Shaktimaan in May 2025. A source informed the portal that right after Don 3, the actor will be busy with the filming of Shaktimaan. The film's script has been in development for over three years, and the team has finally come up with a screenplay that does justice to the legacy of Shaktimaan. Directed by Basil Joseph, the film will be bankrolled by Sony Pictures India and Sajid Nadiadwala.
During an Instagram live session in September 2023, Tovino Thomas hinted at a potential collaboration between Ranveer Singh and Basil Joseph. Tovino went live to celebrate the announcement that his film 2018 was selected as India's official entry for the Oscars. Ranveer joined the live event and dropped a comment stating, "Love from Mumbai."
Tovino noticed Ranveer's comment and praised him. It was during that time when Tovino mentioned he had been discussing with director Basil Joseph about how Ranveer would enjoy working with him. Although Tovino did not disclose the project's name, he hinted that Ranveer and Basil were indeed teaming up for an upcoming endeavour.
While Ranveer's Singham Again is slated to release in 2024, Don 3, directed by Farhan Akhtar, is expected to hit theatres in 2025, with Shaktimaan's release anticipated in 2026. Recently, there have also been reports suggesting that Ranveer was in talks with several other directors, exploring potential collaborations in the South Indian film industry and expressing interest in working on a pan-Indian film.