Hyderabad: Since its inception in 2020, Director Krish Jagarlamudi's ambitious project Hari Hara Veera Mallu (HHVM) has captured the attention of Pawan Kalyan fans. However, recent murmurs surrounding the film's fate suggested it might have been shelved, with speculations of the producer's son taking over. These whispers prompted the makers to step forward and address the concerns, clarifying that the project is still very much alive and kicking.
Here's an Update to all the Power Fans & Cinema Lovers! 📣
— Hari Hara Veera Mallu (@HHVMFilm) February 12, 2024
Currently the High-End VFX Works are in progress ✨
A special promo is coming your way very soon from #HariHaraVeeraMallu that will have you on the edge of your seat! 💥@PawanKalyan @DirKrish @AgerwalNidhhi… pic.twitter.com/Dzr35DJTVf
In a statement released by the film's team, they reassured fans that the high-end visual effects work is currently underway, hinting at an imminent promo release that promises to thrill audiences. The note also sheds light on the extensive work being done across various locations like Iran, Canada, Bangalore, Chennai, and Hyderabad, emphasising the film's grand scale.
Set against the backdrop of the Mughal era, Hari Hara Veera Mallu narrates the tale of Veera Mallu, who is on a mission to steal the Koh-i-Noor from the Mughals. The casting journey itself has seen transformations, with Arjun Rampal initially slated to play Aurangazeb, later replaced by Bobby Deol. Similarly, Jacqueline Fernandez's departure led to Nargis Fakhri stepping into the role of Aurangazeb's sister, Roshanara. The film also stars Nidhhi Agerwal in pivotal role.
Originally slated for release in 2022 and then 2023, the film encountered delays, leaving eager fans waiting for a confirmed release date. Despite setbacks, the commitment of the cast and crew to deliver an exceptional cinematic experience remains unwavering, promising viewers an adventure that transcends boundaries.
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