Hyderabad: Actor Gauahar Khan recently wrapped up the show Jhalak Dikkhla Jaa 11 and decided to go on a pilgrimage with her spouse Zaid Darbar.
Their destination was Saudi Arabia, where they performed their first Umrah along with their son Zehaan. On Thursday, Gauahar took to her social media handle and revealed their adorable little one's face for the first time.
Taking to Instagram, Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar posted a photo with Zehaan, capturing his charming smile and sparkling eyes. While they previously offered occasional glimpses of their son, they had never shown his face. The decision to reveal Zehaan's face came as the family embarked on a spiritual journey to Jeddah, engaging in the Umrah pilgrimage, and felt like sharing their joy with their followers.
Sharing the picture, Gauahar wrote, "Just wanted to give our little prince’ first Salaam to the world from the house of the Almighty! May he be pleased with our SonShine! Ameen. Our Zehaan. Request for continued positivity, love n blessings for him. Lots of love. (sic)"
Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar tied the knot in a grand ceremony on December 25, 2020. They disclosed their pregnancy news in 2022 with a social media post which read, "One became two when Z met G and now the adventure continues as we soon become three! Gauahar & Darbar + 1, In Sha Allah seeking all your prayers and blessings in this new journey. (sic)" The couple welcomed the arrival of their son, Zehaan on 10 May 2023.