Hyderabad: Gal Gadot, the Israeli actor renowned for her role as Wonder Woman, has shared a deeply emotional and personal account of a life-threatening health scare she experienced earlier this year. In a heartfelt Instagram post, Gadot revealed that she underwent emergency surgery for a massive brain clot while eight months pregnant with her fourth child.
The actor explained that the journey began in February when she started experiencing severe headaches. For weeks, these headaches confined her to bed, prompting her to seek medical attention. After undergoing an MRI, Gadot was confronted with the terrifying diagnosis: a blood clot in her brain.
In her post, Gadot described the harrowing moment when she and her family realised the gravity of the situation. "In one moment, my family and I were faced with how fragile life can be," she wrote. "It was a stark reminder of how quickly everything can change, and in the midst of a difficult year, all I wanted was to hold on and live."
Gadot rushed to the hospital, where she was immediately prepared for emergency surgery. Despite the overwhelming uncertainty surrounding her health, she gave birth to her daughter, Ori, in early March, just after the surgery. The name Ori, meaning 'my light' in Hebrew, was particularly significant for the actor, who had told her husband, Jaron Varsano, that their daughter would be the light 'waiting for her at the end of the tunnel.'
Expressing profound gratitude to the medical team who cared for her, Gadot shared that she has made a full recovery. "I am fully healed and filled with gratitude for the life I have been given back," she wrote. In her post, Gadot also sought to raise awareness about cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT), a rare but potentially life-threatening condition that can occur during pregnancy.
She explained that, while CVT is uncommon, it is treatable if caught early. Gadot emphasised the importance of listening to one's body and acting on any signs of discomfort or change, as these can be crucial in identifying life-threatening conditions. Concluding her message, Gadot expressed her hope that by sharing her experience, she could encourage others to prioritise their health. "If even one person feels compelled to take action for their health because of this story, it will have been worth sharing," her post read.
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