Hyderabad: Manjummel Boys, the latest Malayalam survival thriller starring Soubin Shahir and Sreenath Bhasi, has been grabbing eyeballs on social media. The film, directed by Chidambaram, premiered on February 22nd and has had a blockbuster opening. Director Karthik Subbaraj, known for his work in Tamil cinema and films such as Pizza, Petta, and Jigarthanda, believes 2024 would be a year of Malayalam cinema, with audiences flocking to theatres to see Manjummel Boys.
Karthik Subbaraj, known for his film Jigarthanda DoubleX took to X to shower praises on the Malayalam film. Taking to the microblogging site, he wrote: "#ManjummelBoys is Super... Fantastic... Marvellous Film 👌👌👌👌Filmmaking at it's Best .... Hat's off 👏👏Pls don't miss this awesome theatrical experience. Congrats to #Chidambaram #SoubinShahir @vivekharshan #ParvaaFilms #Sushinshyam #shyjukhalid and all the cast and team."
Manjummel Boys and Bramayugam have grossed over Rs 60 crore at the movie office since their releases on February 15 and February 22, respectively. The film Manjummel Boys is based on a true story about a group of young boys from Kerala who visit the Guna Caves in Tamil Nadu. The film, which stars unknown actors, tells the story of one of them falling through a deep fissure and the subsequent rescue operation.
This film has enthralled audiences not only in Kerala, but in other states and countries as well. In Tamil Nadu, the film is predicted to gross around Rs 10 crore, which is a significant amount for a Malayalam film without stars. Manjummel Boys is Chidambaram's second directorial endeavour, following the 2021 film Jan.E.Man. The film stars Soubin Shahir, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese, Ganapathi S Poduval, Chandu Salimkumar, Jean Paul Lal, Khalid Rahman, Deepak Parambol, and many others in key roles.