Hyderabad: On Friday, July 26, the Mumbai film industry was struck with sorrow as Bollywood choreographer and director Farah Khan's mother, Menka, passed away. While Farah has yet to officially confirm the news, reports indicate that her mother departed this life on the same day.
A paparazzo took to Instagram to share the somber news with his followers. He wrote, "Life just won't be the same for Farah Khan and her brother Sajid Khan and everyone around them. Today, their mother had set for heavenly abode, leaving behind a vacuum which just cannot be filled by anyone."
Farah Khan had recently expressed her deep affection for her mother in a heartfelt Instagram post on her birthday, July 12. She had described her mother as the 'bravest' person she knew, despite enduring numerous surgeries.
In her birthday tribute, Farah Khan shared two photos with Menka Irani. The post, written just two weeks before Menka's passing, conveyed her profound love and admiration: "We all take our mothers for granted... especially me! This last month has been a revelation on how much I love my mom Menka. She’s been the strongest, bravest person I've ever seen... her sense of humour intact even after multiple surgeries. Happy birthday mom! Today's a good day to come back home ♥️ can't wait for you to get strong enough to start fighting with me again.. I love you (sic)."
The post received heartfelt comments from several celebrities, including Kajol, Huma Qureshi, Gauahar Khan, Abhishek Bachchan, Ananya Panday, and Bharti Singh, who extended their condolences and support.
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