Hyderabad: South Indian superstar Nayanthara, whose social media presence gives fans a glimpse of her life beyond films, took to her Instagram handle to express her gratitude to interior designer Nikhita Reddy and her team at The Storey Collective for bringing her vision to life in just 30 days. In a series of pictures, Nayanthara offered fans a peek into her beautifully crafted workspace. The update on the new office space has fans beaming with excitement.
For a change, Nayanthara did not post a picture of her husband, filmmaker Vignesh Shivan, or children Uyir and Ulag. The actor instead provided updates on her dream project, her new office. The Jawan actor informed her fans about her new office with a series of black-and-white photos.
Nayanthara, dressed in a white kurta and Afghani trousers, is seen overseeing the work of construction as her team keeps her updated on the additions and changes. In another photo, she is seen having an intensive discussion with her staff. In the third slide, we finally see her brand new office. Her new office is located in her house, on top of the terrace. It has a metal covering that protects the rooftop, with glass walls.
Sharing the string of pictures, she wrote: "The magical journey of a vision to it’s creation, crafting our dream office. Sooo much love to this gem @nikhitaareddy for always doing the impossible and literally making this dream come true in 30 days! You are just the best 💛 it was truly an unforgettable n the most joyful experience making this space together. Big hug to your team at @the_storeycollective for making sure everything was done to perfection!"
As soon as the actor dropped the pictures, her fans and followers flooded the comments section with words of admiration and congratulations. Many social media users flooded the comment section with red heart emojis. For the unversed, Nayanthara enjoys worldwide fame being the face of several brands.
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