Hyderabad: The unexpected death of actor Dileep Sankar has left his colleagues and fans in shock. Dileep was found dead in his hotel room in Thiruvananthapuram on Sunday afternoon, December 29. The 45-year-old actor, known for his roles in popular serials like Amma Irathe, Panchagni, and Sundari, was in the city for the shooting of a serial.
Dileep's death, however, was shrouded in mystery. According to reports, the actor had checked into a private hotel in the city five days ago. The police have since started an investigation, but the cause of death remains unclear. A foul smell emanating from Dileep's hotel room prompted his colleagues to investigate, and they discovered his lifeless body on the floor.
The police were immediately notified, and forensic teams are currently examining to determine the cause of death. Initial reports suggest that the body had been lying in the room for more than two days, raising questions about the circumstances leading up to his death.
Director Manoj, who worked with Dileep on the serial, shared his account of the days leading up to the actor's passing. Manoj revealed that Dileep had been feeling unwell and had completed the shoot for the day early to rest in his hotel room. He further confirmed that Dileep had been taking medication for ongoing health issues, which his colleagues were aware of.
Despite being in touch with Dileep during the shooting days, Manoj mentioned that the actor was known to avoid answering phone calls. However, when Dileep missed multiple calls over the past two days, his colleagues grew concerned. The director then went to the hotel to check on him, only to find that the actor had passed away.
Actor Seema G Nair, another close friend of Dileep, expressed her grief over his sudden death through a heartfelt social media post. Seema mentioned that she had tried calling Dileep five days ago but was unable to get in touch with him. She revealed that she had a headache that day, which had prevented her from speaking with the actor.
Seema's emotional post reflected her disbelief, as she had learned of his death only after receiving a call from a journalist. Dileep's death marks a tragic loss for the Malayalam television and film industry, where he had earned recognition for his roles in both serials and films.
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