Hyderabad: Actor Shweta Tripathi, who is all set for the third season of the popular streaming series Mirzapur, made a special trip to Varanasi on Saturday. In a conversation with a news agency, she mentioned that she prayed for the success of Mirzapur, which premieres on July 5. The actor will celebrate her birthday on July 6, the day after the third season's release.
Shweta expressed her excitement about the new season, stating, "The third season of the show is very special for me in the sense that people will see my work on my birthday." Her character, Golu Gupta, has undergone a remarkable transformation, evolving from a non-violent individual to one driven by revenge after the tragic loss of her sister and love interest at the hands of Munna Tripathi, portrayed by Divyenndu.
Golu's intriguing arc is further amplified by her liberated attitude towards sexuality, which explores themes of BDSM, as seen in the previous season. When asked about her experience in Varanasi, Shweta fondly recalled how the locals affectionately addressed her as 'Golu didi', 'Golu Devi', and 'Golu Don'. She credited her work on Mirzapur for providing her with the opportunity to collaborate with a talented ensemble of artists.
Shweta extended her heartfelt gratitude to the audience for their overwhelming response to the show, saying, "I'm grateful to the audience for the kind of love they have shown for Mirzapur. I know people who have watched it 25 or 15 times. You don't always get such a response for a show or a film."
Helmed by Gurmmeet Singh and Anand Iyer, Mirzapur 3 also stars Pankaj Tripathi, Vijay Varma, Ali Fazal, Shweta Tripathi, and Rasika Dugal among others in pivotal roles.
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