Mumbai: After the Samantha Ruth Prabhu nebulisation controversy, Doctor Philps, also known as The Liver Doc, called out South superstar Nayanthara for her 'misleading' claims over the health benefits of hibiscus tea. The actor drew criticism on social media with hepatologist Cyriac Abby Philips calling her out for her Instagram post claiming about the health benefits of hibiscus tea. Phillips had earlier reprimanded actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu for promoting hydrogen peroxide nebulisation.
Nayanthara's now-deleted post read: "Hibiscus tea is great for the monsoon season as it is rich in vitamins and keeps our immune system in equilibrium. It has antibacterial effects that protect from seasonal infection/ illness. P.S. anyone who needs the recipe can check with @munmun.ganeriwal. Stay healthy. Stay happy."
Philips called her out, saying that it would have been okay if she had stopped at the fact that hibiscus tea is somewhat tasty. However, they can't help but flaunt their health-illiteracy by asserting that hibiscus tea is beneficial for diabetes, hypertension, acne, and is antibacterial and flu-resistant. Well, the aforementioned medical claims haven't been validated.
When the actor deleted her post, he noted that there was no apology from Nayanthara. "Post deleted. But no apology. No accountability. Like a surgical strike on public health. Need laws to curb this kind of behavior from celebrities community and empower and support registered medical practitioners (non-Ayush) to provide evidence-based scientific education to improve informed public health choices."
In a cryptic post later, Nayanthara shared a quote by author Mark Twain which read, "Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience". Fans are assuming that it is her response to Phillips. The actor also re-shared the deleted post.
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