Chamoli: Police rescued four tourists stranded amid snowfall in Gamshali village of Chamoli district in Uttarakhand. All the tourists have been brought to Malari, according to Chamoli District Magistrate Sandeep Tiwari. Tourists are being helped by ITBP (Indian Tibet Border Police) and BRO (Border Road Organization) deployed in the valley. At the same time, efforts are also being made to evacuate 50 workers stranded in Badrinath Dham.
According to District Magistrate Sandeep Tiwari, tourist vehicles will be taken out only after the snow is cleared. All four tourists had gone to visit the valley without informing the administration. All four tourists are residents of Rishikesh. The district administration has appealed to the tourists to inform the administration before going to the high Himalayan regions. Also, they must pay attention to the advisory issued by the administration.
On 27th December, Chamoli and its surrounding areas had heavy snowfall. Due to this, four tourists from Rishikesh were stuck in the Gamshali village of the Niti Valley area. All four tourists had gone to Gamshali village to enjoy the snowfall without informing the administration, but in the meantime, there was heavy snowfall there, due to which they got stuck there.
As soon as the administration got this information, a team was immediately sent to their rescue. The team rescued all four tourists safely. The tourists have been brought to Malari. Their vehicles are currently stuck in the snow in Gamshali. The vehicles of the tourists will be taken out only after the snow is removed. The work of removing snow is going on continuously by BRO, the route will be made smooth soon.
50 workers trapped in Badrinath Dham: Badrinath Dham has also received three to four feet of snow. In such a situation, movement on the Badrinath highway is also difficult. The distance from Hanuman Chatti to Badrinath is about 20 km. Due to snowfall, movement in this 20 km stretch has become difficult. Although the BRO team is working to remove snow from the highway, due to heavy snow, BRO is also facing a lot of difficulties. More than 50 workers working in Badrinath under the master plan are still trapped in the Dham. Efforts are being made to evacuate all the workers trapped there.