Dindigul (Tamil Nadu): Amid a row over usage of animal fat for making laddus for Tirupati Tirumala Devasthanams (TTD) under the YSRCP regime in Andhra Pradesh, the AR Dairy Food Private Limited has said that there was no defect in the ghee produced by the company and they are ready for an inspection.
Leni, A.R. Dairy Foods' quality checking department in-charge said, "We have been consistently supplying ghee to Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams through AR Dairy Foods from June to July. However, at present, we are not giving ghee to the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams. With over 25 years of experience in ghee production, we have never received any complaints or quality issues to date."
Kannan from AR Dairy Foods' quality checking department said, "Samples have been collected from the Food Safety Department (FSD), and we have already sent samples to the Tirupati Devasthanam laboratory. The lab has conducted tests and found no irregularities."
"There was a rumour about defects in the ghee sent in June and July, but the Food Safety Department and Agmark officials visited, collected samples, and found no issues. Our ghee is pure, and we have samples. We invite anyone to conduct tests at any laboratory they prefer," added Kannan.
A massive row broke out after the ruling TDP in Andhra Pradesh claimed that animal fat was used to make laddu for TTD under the YSRCP regime in Andhra Pradesh. A former chief priest of TTD also claimed that he had raised the issue of low quality of laddu made under YSRCP regime but said nobody listened to him.