Hyderabad: The Telangana Anti-Narcotics Bureau (TGANB), in collaboration with Cyberabad Police, conducted a meticulously planned operation in Madhapur on Sunday night. Acting on credible intelligence received a day earlier, the operation aimed to identify and intercept drug usage at a high-profile event in the city.
A special team comprising 22 officers from the State Task Force, Cyberabad and Rachakonda Narcotics Police Stations was deployed. The team utilised a combination of information networks, intelligence inputs, electronic and physical surveillance trained spotters to identify individuals showing signs of drug consumption.
The operation identified 25 suspected drug users of whom 14 underwent advanced drug testing. The results revealed that eight individuals had consumed substances including Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cocaine, amphetamine and methamphetamine.
Advanced Technology: A Game-Changer
The operation incorporated state-of-the-art equipment such as advanced drug detection kits, rapid-result urine and saliva testing kits and trained narcotics detection dogs. This cutting-edge technology enabled accurate on-the-spot testing, yielding immediate results and leaving no room for evasion.
Highlighting its commitment to impartiality, TGANB also tested internationally acclaimed German DJ Ben Böhmer and his team. All tested drug-free, reinforcing the bureau's stance that no individual, regardless of their status, is above the law. This transparency was mandated as a precondition by the Cyberabad Police Commissionerate for event approvals.
Strict Warnings to Establishments
TGANB has issued directives to all pubs and bars in Telangana to prominently display drug-free zone signage and enforce a zero-tolerance policy against underage drinking. Violators will face severe legal consequences. In this instance, a pub near a school failed to display the required policy, underscoring the need for stricter compliance.
Preparing for New Year Celebrations
With New Year festivities around the corner, TGANB has announced that similar rigorous checks will be conducted at events and parties across the state. The bureau warned that stringent action would be taken against those involved in drug consumption or trafficking. The public, especially the youth, has been urged to stay away from drugs for a brighter future and social well-being. Event organisers have been advised to ensure drug-free environments at their venues.
Anyone with information on drug consumption or trafficking is encouraged to call the toll-free number 1908. Reports will remain confidential, contributing to a drug-free Telangana.
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