New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday sought a response from Himachal Pradesh on a plea filed by Adani Power Limited seeking a refund of Rs 280 crore, along with interest, regarding two hydropower projects in the Kinnaur district.
The matter was heard by a bench comprising justices MM Sundresh and Aravind Kumar. The bench issued a notice to the state government on the appeal filed by Adani Power challenging the High Court order. The controversy in the case pertains to two hydroelectric projects -- Jangi Thopan and Thopan Powari of 480 MW each.
A division bench of the High Court in July overturned the decision of a single bench to return the amount of Rs 280 crore to Adani Power. The private company moved the top court against the High Court's judgment. The Himachal Pradesh government had moved before a division bench of the High Court against the decision of the single bench in 2022.
The plea contended that the Council of Ministers (of the Himachal government) had decided to issue the refund vide decision on September 4, 2015, and the state on its own volition had decided to refund the said monies to the Adani Power. The plea contended that the non-refund of the said monies has grossly affected the financial capacity and investment inflow of the petitioner.