New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday granted interim bail to self-styled godman Asaram Bapu, who is serving a life sentence in a 2013 rape case, on medical grounds till March 31. He has been serving his sentence in Jodhpur Central Jail. The matter came up before a bench comprising justices MM Sundresh and Rajesh Bindal. The apex court made it clear that the 86-year-old Asaram should not tamper with evidence and should not meet his followers after his release.
The apex court considered that he was suffering from various age-related health conditions besides a heart ailment. Bapu is currently undergoing treatment at the Arogya Medical Centre in Jodhpur. Senior advocate Devadatt Kamat, along with advocates Rajesh Gulab Inamdar and Shashwat Anand, represented the self-styled godman before the apex court.
The counsel emphasised Asaram's advanced age and argued that continued incarceration could jeopardise his life. The counsel urged the court to consider granting bail to allow their client to access medical care, outside of the jail.
The Gujarat government counsel opposed the plea. The state counsel stressed that adequate medical facilities were available inside the jail. After hearing submissions, the apex court granted medical bail to Asaram till March 31, 2025. The bench made it clear that the relief was granted solely on humanitarian grounds and directed compliance with conditions imposed during the bail period.
On November 22, the Supreme Court issued notice to the Gujarat government on a plea by Asaram seeking bail on medical grounds in a sexual assault case. Asaram has claimed that his conviction was riddled with inconsistencies and based solely on the uncorroborated testimony of the complainant. The plea contended that there was no medical or independent evidence to support the charges.
He moved the court seeking suspension of sentence and bail. Asaram contended that he is a victim of media trials and conspiracies aimed at seizing control of his 'ashram'. The plea contended that he had been falsely implicated to tarnish his reputation and oust him from his Ashram. Asaram was convicted in January 2023 for offences under Sections 376(2)(C), 377, and others of the IPC, based on allegations dating back more than two decades.
Read more: ‘Accused Can’t Claim Acquittal On Ground Of Faulty Investigation’: SC