New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said his government made the recruitment process transparent and finished the recruitment procedure within a set timeframe so that every youth gets an equal opportunity to showcase their capabilities, as he distributed on Monday over a lakh appointment letters under Rozgar Mela programme. PM Modi said his government has reduced the time taken from the day of application to the final distribution of the appointment letter.
"During earlier governments, time taken between filing an application and getting an appointment letter used to take a long time. Using in-between periods, bribery was rampant. Our government has made job application process transparent and we endeavour to complete the process in a time-bound manner. This is giving every youth an equal opportunity to showcase their talent," PM Modi said. Prime Minister Modi, on October 22, 2022, launched the 'Rozgar Mela', marking the beginning of the campaign to provide 10 lakh government jobs. "Our government has made the recruitment process transparent. We try to finish the recruitment procedure within a set timeframe so that everyone gets an equal opportunity to showcase his capabilities," he said. He said his government since 2014 has been trying to mainstream the youth and help them contribute in nation-building.
"In our journey of Viksit Bharat, every government official has an important role to play. The one lakh new recruits who have joined us today will provide us with new energy. It does not matter which department you will join, your efforts will be dedicated to nation-building," he said. He added that his government provided 1.5 times more employment opportunities in 10 years compared to the preceding governments. On Monday, Prime Minister also laid the foundation stone of Phase I of the Integrated Complex "Karmayogi Bhavan" here in New Delhi. This complex will promote collaboration and synergy amongst various pillars of Mission Karmayogi. "I am confident that this will strengthen our resolve to capacity building," PM Modi said. Speaking about his government's latest decision to provide one crore rooftop solars, he said it will have a multi-pronged effect on a family's financial situation. Through rooftop solarization, one crore households, according to the government, will be enabled to obtain up to 300 units of free electricity every month. "It will enable them to generate electricity for themselves as well as generate income from the surplus electricity," he said.
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