Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh): The police arrested a man for allegedly killing six women, the police said on Saturday. The accused has been identified as Kuldeep Gangwar, 35, from Bakarganj Samua village in the Nawabganj area. The police on Saturday took Kuldeep to the crime scenes to recreate the murders using a dummy. During the reenactment, he demonstrated how he strangled his victims by tying a noose around their necks.
Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Anurag Arya stated that last year, 10 women were murdered in the Thana Shahi and Sheeshgarh Police Station areas of Bareilly. The women were strangled to death. Following the release of three suspect sketches on August 6, Kuldeep, who resembled one of the sketches, was arrested and sent to jail on Friday.
According to the SSP, Kuldeep had a troubled childhood. His father married another woman while his mother was still alive. Since then, his father and stepmother used to assault him and his mother. This led Kuldeep to develop a hatred for women, particularly those of his stepmother’s age.
Kuldeep married a physically challenged woman in 2014, but his abusive behaviour continued. Later his wife left him. Afterwards, he targeted women working alone in fields, becoming violent if they rejected him. He would then strangle them with a cloth and, after killing them, commit obscene acts with their bodies.
Kuldeep has confessed to six murders. Despite his gruesome acts, he used to roam the streets of the village where he had committed the crime. Once the police had reached the spot to investigate a murder, during that time he was also standing nearby, but the police could not identify him. According to Kuldeep's younger brother Rajkumar, Kuldeep is mentally ill.
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