Kota : The 17-year-old Aryan Singh, a resident of DCM Indira Gandhi Nagar of the city, is being awarded the National Bal Shakti Award for making an AI-powered AgRobot which will be helpful for farmers. He has received more than 15 awards. In the year 2020, while studying in 10th class, he had received three international awards.
Aryan says that he has been given a diploma in Agricultural Innovation from Russia. "Besides, I had a gold medal in Canada, a silver medal in Malaysia and a Russian diploma. My target is to reach every farmer. That's why I am taking incubation through IStart, so that I can take my startup idea to the market," he said. The device was completed in just Rs 50,000, whereas farmers will have to spend lakhs of rupees to buy such machines in the market.
"I am the only one to have received this award in Science and Innovation," said Aryan Singh, who has been aiming to start a startup of his own and become an Agri Tech entrepreneur. His aim is to support farming with technology made available at affordable cost. "I had created the Mera Saathi app, with which the Government of India made me the brand ambassador of mygov.in. Out of all India, I am the only one to have received the National Bal Shakti Award in Science and Technology. This award is being given to 19 people and some are given in brave, sports or different categories," he said.
Aryan Singh has claimed that the robot can move even on rough terrain and works in everything from pits to flat places, from sowing seeds to cutting of crops. "With its help, we can count the plants and know about their condition. It provides complete information on the basis of Artificial Intelligence. To give a different color to the spoiled plant, it is immediately sprayed on it, so that when it goes to the field, that plant can be immediately identified and uprooted," he said.
Upgraded security system- A security system was also added to AgRobot and it will operate without internet. It has been installed for only Rs 800. It alerts farmers when insects, locusts or animals enter their fields. Camera casting is also added in its upgraded version.
Aryan Singh, who belongs to a normal middle class family, gives credit for his entire project to SR Public School. He says that the Atal Tinkering Lab was established here through NITI Aayog. School teacher Omprakash Soni became a mentor. The school spent the initial amount on AgRobot. "I had the idea, but if Atal Tinkering Lab was not there, I would not have been able to work on it. If the school had not helped me, then I would have been left behind," he said.
Aryan Singh is presently studying B.Tech Computer Science at Bundi Government Engineering College but still works continuously in Atal Tinkering Lab after his classes and during holidays. After creating AgRobot, he has received about 10 awards at international, national, state and district levels, which inlcuded the Young Scientist of India Award 2020, Russian Young Innovator Award 2021 and Diploma from Russian University, Canada (Toronto) Young Innovator Award (Silver Medal) 2021, ATL Tinkerpreneur (among top 100 students) and also selected among ATL Tinkerpreneur Most Consistent Students.
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