New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Thursday asked the authorities concerned in Uttar Pradesh to furnish copies of medical and inquiry reports in connection with the death of gangster-politician Mukhtar Ansari to his son Umar Ansari. The matter came up before a bench comprising justices Hrishikesh Roy and SVN Bhatti. Senior advocate Kapil Sibal represented Umar Ansari before the bench.
During the hearing, Sibal contended that as per the state government’s affidavit, there is a magisterial report and a judiciary enquiry report regarding his client’s father's death. The bench was informed that Umar Ansari does not have access to a copy of the same.
The bench asked additional solicitor general KM Nataraj, representing Uttar Pradesh, to supply to the petitioner copies of all relevant reports in connection with the death of Mukhtar Ansari. The apex court gave two weeks to the UP government to comply with its direction.
In July last year, Umar Ansari, son of late gangster-turned-politician Mukhtar Ansari's, claimed that his father was "poisoned", through the food given to him, and he was also denied necessary medical treatment, and as a consequence, he died in custody.
Umar had filed a petition in 2023 alleging risk to his father’s safety and security inside the Banda jail. On March 28, last year, Ansari, a five-time MLA from Mau Sadar constituency, died of cardiac arrest at a hospital in Banda.
Sibal, representing Umar Ansari, had argued that what his client feared regarding his father’s safety had happened. Sibal said they have filed an application seeking to amend the prayer made in the 2023 plea.
Read more: 'Your Attitude Seems Not For Conciliation': SC To Punjab Government On Medical Aid To Dallewal