New Delhi: Loco Pilots expressed mixed responses over a recently announced enhancement in vacancies of 5,696 Assistant Loco Pilots (ALPs) across various Zonal Railways.
In response to a question on enhancement in vacancies of ALPs, Kamlesh Singh, a Loco Pilot, told ETV Bharat, "These posts will not help to fulfil required numbers. More loco pilots are needed to reduce work pressure. New trains have been increasing but the staff is short." The Railway Board on June 18 notified enhancement of vacancies of ALPs as per demand received from zonal railways.
According to the letter, instructions were issued conveying approval of the Board for notification of 5,696 vacancies of ALPs.
As per the letter, on receipt of additional demand of ALP from Zonal Railways, the issue has been examined and it has been decided with the approval of competent authority to enhance ALP vacancies for Zonal Railways. The Railway Board has instructed that immediate action be taken by Zonal Railways for processing the revised indent for enhanced vacancies of ALPs through OIRMS in consultation with the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB), it added.
The existing candidates will be given the opportunity to revise their choice of RRB considering the changes in the number of vacancies, the letter read.
Sanjay Kumar Pandhi, Working President of the Indian Railway Loco Runningmen Organisation, told ETV Bharat, "The Railways needs more Loco staff as the number of trains is increasing. Loco pilots are under work pressure which affects their mental and physical strength. At present, they have to work extra hours following which they don't get proper rest."
Some Loco Pilots on condition of anonymity said that this decision of enhancement in ALP vacancies will help for the time being. They said currently railways need more Loco Pilots. These ALPs will become LPs after a few years of experience.