Varanasi: For the last few days, Kashi has been witnessing a surge in the congregation of Naga saints for the Mini Kumbh as the ascetics of six out of 13 Sanatani akharas have reached the ancient city. Amongst them, a Sadhvi carrying an 11-kg mace has grabbed the attention of the locals.
To accommodate them, taints are being put up in the main ghats of the Ganges and some are ready for use. The prime attraction is a Sadhvi of the Juna akhara, carrying a mace weighing 11 kg. Originally from Maharashtra, Sadhvi Sarlapuri has been camping at the Harishchandra Ghat. After the three royal baths, the preparation for the fourth one is in full swing.
"I am a disciple of Puri Maharaj Basant and originally hails from Maharashtra. I came to Kashi after taking the royal bath in Maha Kumbh. I am protecting the Sanatan Dharma by carrying the mace as many heretics are harming it. I want to teach a lesson to them with this mace," Sarapuri said.
A large number of curious people are coming to the ghat to see the Sadhvi and her unique style. There has been a gathering of Chai Baba, Flute Baba and other types of saints at the Harishchandra Ghat who are attracting people with their unique styles.
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