New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday said if Ashish Mishra, an accused in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence case, physically attended political events then it would be a violation of his bail conditions. Ashish is the son of Union Minister Ajay Kumar Mishra. Advocate Prashant Bhushan, representing one of the victims, contended before a bench led by Justice Surya Kant that Mishra was attending political events and distributing tricycles at an event. Bhushan submitted that Mishra has been violating the bail condition, which was set by the apex court, Mishra can only enter Uttar Pradesh for trial. "If he is physically attending, then it is a violation," observed the bench.
Bhushan stressed that Mishra has participated in various functions recently, distributing tricycles in Uttar Pradesh and added, “I will file an affidavit and place documents”. Senior advocate Siddhartha Dave, representing Mishra, opposing Bhushan’s submission, said, "I am not that foolish to violate liberty like that."
After hearing submissions, the bench also comprising Justice PS Narasimha asked Bhushan to file an affidavit substantiating his allegations. However, the bench did not record it in the order passed today. The bench also asked the public prosecutor and the district police to take effective steps to secure the presence of witnesses so that the trial court's time is not wasted.
In February, the apex court extended the interim bail granted to Ashish Mishra and asked its registry to obtain a report from the trial court on the progress of the case. The apex court, in January last year, had granted interim bail to Ashish Mishra in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence case in October 2021, which claimed eight lives. The apex court had relaxed the interim bail conditions imposed on Ashish Mishra by the trial court and had asked him not to stay either in Uttar Pradesh or in Delhi during the period.
In September last year, the apex court relaxed the bail conditions for Mishra and allowed him to visit and stay in the national capital region (NCR) to look after his ailing mother and also for the treatment of his daughter.
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