Astrological predictions for July 17, 2024
Aries (March 21-April 20): Moon is in Scorpio today. For you, the Moon will be placed in the 8th house. Things may settle down by the evening and you can expect a romantic evening with your sweetheart. If you have invested money jointly with someone (with life partner or business partner), you will see your money growing. Alternatively, it's an ideal day to invest money jointly with someone else. You may remain dissatisfied with some professional action and will turn impatient. Arguments with your superiors are on the cards till afternoon.
Taurus (April 21-May 21): Moon is in Scorpio today. For you, the Moon will be placed in the 7th house. People around you will be surprised to witness the considerate and compassionate side of you today. Problems may come knocking but you, along with support from your loved ones, will handle them with brilliant tact.
Gemini (May 22-June 21): Moon is in Scorpio today. For you, the Moon will be placed in the 5th house. Today, you are likely to experience something life-changing. A small incident, an observation, a tragedy, a disaster, or a simple thought may change the course of your life. You, however, may not be able to take the changes well. It may have a strong bearing on your health.
Cancer (June 22-July 22): Moon is in Scorpio today. For you, the Moon will be placed in the 5th house. Today, you are likely to experience something life-changing. A small incident, an observation, a tragedy, a disaster, or a simple thought may change the course of your life. You, however, may not be able to take the changes well. It may have a strong bearing on your health.
Leo (July 23-August 23): Moon is in Scorpio today. For you, the Moon will be placed in the 4th house. You are ready to feel passionate about your love life today. Substantial financial gains are not foreseen today. You are likely to have a more laid back attitude towards money matters. You may not be interested in getting into much financial calculations. You will have to take a backseat at work today. Dealing with technical problems might prove difficult for you. Things will be easier if you start working on a small project.
Virgo (August 24-September 22): Moon is in Scorpio today. For you, the Moon will be placed in the 3rd house. Try not being too imposing on your partner as it may get a bit suffocating for your sweetheart. Let your soulmate breathe fresh air and spend a friendly day so as to strengthen a sweet relationship. You need to encourage your partner to think his/her way. Today, you will fix your mind on certain things that are related to money. Your budget is likely to become tighter. You will be working on the plans in your own way.
Libra (September 23-October 23): Moon is in Scorpio today. For you, the Moon will be placed in the 2nd house. An odd conversation with your love mate might make you feel a bit uneasy. Planetary positions are such that you will find it difficult – in fact, too difficult to control expenses. It’s not always about you, it’s about the need of the hour. You will be rewarded for your hard work, which will bring a positive change in your mindset. However, that doesn't reduce your burden. You may be assigned more tasks and given bigger responsibilities.
Scorpio (October 24-November 22): Moon is in Scorpio today. For you, the Moon will be placed in the 1st house. Being competitive by nature, other people’s progress will inspire you more to earn good money today. You will keep your secrets with you only and won’t be willing to share your financial profile with anyone. Today's astral power will make you more determined. You will set goals for the coming month. You will have sufficient energy to perform the day's tasks. You will be eventually able to achieve the day’s target or meet the deadline.
Sagittarius (November 23-December 21): Moon is in Scorpio today. For you, the Moon will be placed in the 12th house. Issues in your professional life may affect your relationship. Due to various reasons, your money will be spent and there won’t be any control over it. Even if you try, something or the other may crop up which will just make you spend money. Things may not be very smooth and you may need to remain focused on your primary goals. Your ability to think positively could be blocked today due to the position of your stars.
Capricorn (December 22-January 20): Moon is in Scorpio today. For you, the Moon will be placed in the 11th house. Your concern about what your beloved thinks of you will distract you today. You may be in a good mood to spend quality time with your spouse. It’s time to express what you think about your life. You will be the best person to appreciate your partner’s feelings. You are likely to have gain on the financial front. This is going to make you feel spirited to work harder to achieve your goals.
Aquarius (January 21-February 18): Moon is in Scorpio today. For you, the Moon will be placed in the 10th house. Your focus on work will keep you away from enjoying your love life. Managing the time will be the key to sustaining your relationship. Hence, you are advised to sort out the important issues and maintain a harmonious relationship. You are going to do very well in your field of work, which will be directly linked to your financial progress. You shall invest more efforts in your job. You will put in a hard day at work to achieve success on the career front.
Pisces (February 19-March 20): Moon is in Scorpio today. For you, the Moon will be placed in the 9th house. Your emotional need is high today. Your bond with your companion becomes stronger today. With luck completely in your favour, today you are going to rock. You will be able to earn good money. If you have invested in the stock market, returns will be satisfactory. You will find the right direction and start working with full enthusiasm. You will find yourself in a position to clear all doubts regarding responsibilities that you have been assigned.