Pune: In yet another unfortunate hit-and-run incident, a delivery boy was killed when a speeding luxury car struck his two-wheeler at Kalyani Nagar here. The victim has been identified as Rauf Akbar Shaikh. The accused, Ayush Tayal (34), a senior officer at a firm in Ranjangaon MIDC, has been arrested.
The accident took place around 1 am on the intervening night of Thursday and Friday near the Google building in the Koregaon Park area. According to the police, Tayal, suspected to be under the influence of alcohol, hit two two-wheelers. While some people escaped the first collision, Shaikh was killed a few meters away when his bike was hit.
Deputy Commissioner of Police R. Raja stated, “The accused fled the scene after the accident, but we traced him using CCTV footage. He has been detained, and further investigation is underway. Tests are also being done to determine if he was intoxicated.”
In July 2024, a police constable died and another was critically injured in Bopodi area on the old Pune-Mumbai highway hit and run case when a speeding vehicle rammed into their bike. While constable Saadhan Koli succumbed to his injuries on the spot, the other constable Sanjog Shinde sustained severe injuries. The driver of the vehicle fled after the incident.
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