New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Monday rejected the anticipatory bail plea of former IAS probationer Puja Khedkar, who was sacked by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) following allegations of cheating and misusing OBC and disability quota benefits for the prestigious civil services examination.
The High Court noted that this particular case represents a fraud not only against an organisation, but against the nation at large.
What Delhi High Court Said?
The court emphasised that further investigation was necessary to get to the roots of the conspiracy. Hence, the court refused to grant pre-arrest bail and also lifted the interim protection granted to accused Puja Khedkar.
"Prima facie it is established that conduct of petitioner Khedkar has been truly driven with the motive of duping UPSC and all the documents arranged by her were done in order to reap benefits of schemes meant for disadvantaged groups in the society. The fraudulent practice adopted by petitioner raises questions on authenticity of exam conducting agency," the court said.
The HC added, "Interrogation of an accused in an offence of such a nature is required in order to unearth the fraud committed with the help of a large number of people. In the opinion of this court, the steps taken by the petitioner were part of a larger conspiracy to manipulate the system."
The court observed that in the instant case, since the family members of the accused held "high positions", there was a possibility of collusion. Khedkar is accused of misrepresenting information in her application for the UPSC Civil Services Examination, 2022, to get reservation benefits.
While dismissing Khedkar's plea, Justice Chandra Dhari Singh stated that a strong preliminary case exists against Khedkar, and further custodial interrogation is required to probe larger conspiracy. The judge described this case as a significant fraud against a constitutional body and society as a whole.
Allegations Against Puja Khedkar
Khedkar has been accused of providing false information in her 2022 UPSC Civil Services Examination application to avail reservation benefits. Both the Delhi Police and the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), represented by senior advocate Naresh Kaushik and lawyer Vardhman Kaushik, opposed her bail request.
While Khedkar continues to refute the allegations against her, the UPSC filed a criminal case in July, accusing her of faking her identity to take multiple attempts in the exam. The Delhi Police then registered an FIR against her under various sections of the IPC, Information Technology Act, and the Right of Persons with Disabilities Act.
Consequently, the UPSC cancelled Khedkar's candidature and debarred her permanently from all the future examinations and selections of the Commission.
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