Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Tuesday said reading the Preamble of the Constitution of India reaffirmed its inviolable values and dedication to protect the citizen’s rights. The Chief Minister read out the Preamble at the Secretariat here and he was joined by his Cabinet colleagues and government officials on the occasion of the 75th year of the adoption of the Constitution.
Later, Stalin said, “our freedom fighters’ vision of a great nation is reflected in our ever-evolving Constitution.” “Reading the Preamble today reaffirms its inviolable values and our dedication to protecting every citizen’s rights,” the CM said in a post on social media platform X. He had earlier directed that the Preamble be read out at all state government offices, high court, district collectorates, civic body offices, and educational institutions, today.
BJP national Co-incharge for Tamil Nadu and Karnataka Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy paid floral tributes to B R Ambedkar, the architect of the Indian Constitution on the occasion of the Indian Constitution Day (Samvidhan divas). BJP senior leaders including H Raja, Pon Radhakrishnan, MLA Nainar Nagendran, Mahila Morcha national president Vanathi Srinivasan, were among those who paid floral tributes.
“A pledge was administered to uphold the values of our Constitution - Justice, Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity; and to strive relentlessly for a Viksit Bharat (developed India) under the dynamic, visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji, with Sabka saath Sabka vikas mula Mantra, for Atmanirbhar Bharat,” Reddy said.