New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested Manoj Kumar Subudhi, the Superintendent of Central GST & Central Excise, posted at Berhampur in Odisha in connection with a case related to alleged bribery in lieu of processing his GST refund, the Central probe agency claimed on Thursday.
A case was registered by the CBI on July 9 based on the complaint lodged against the Superintendent of Central GST & Central Excise. It was alleged that the accused demanded a bribe of Rs 20,000 from the complainant on the ground that the accused had earlier processed a refund of GST amounting to Rs 1.77 lakhs to the complainant and on the ground of smoothly processing another GST refund of nearly Rs 3 lakhs to the complainant, the CBI officials said.
The CBI sleuths laid a trap and arrested the accused Superintendent of Central GST & Central Excise from the Office of Assistant Commissioner, Central GST & Central Excise at Berhampur in Odisha when he was caught red-handed while allegedly accepting the first instalment of a bribe of Rs 15,000, out of the total demanded bribe amount of Rs 20,000, from the complainant, the probe agency said in a statement.
Searches were conducted at the residential and official premises of the accused at Berhampur and Bhubaneswar, which led to the recovery of incriminating documents, it stated.
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