New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on Wednesday wrote another letter to the Chief Election Commissioner seeking an appointment on the alleged large-scale addition and deletion of voters' names in the New Delhi Assembly constituency. The Chief Minister has termed the issue as serious and has sought an immediate meeting time.
She questioned why the Chief Election Commissioner was reluctant to meet her. This is her second letter to the CEC over the issue in the past three days. On January 5 also, she had requested a meeting to discuss these alleged irregularities. However, in response to her letter, Deputy Chief Electoral Officer, Lalit Mittal informed that the matter is being investigated.
In the latest letter, she again raised the issue of the alleged electoral irregularities in the New Delhi Assembly constituency, urging the CEC an immediate meeting.
"With less than 27 days left for the Delhi Assembly Elections, this matter should be considered at the highest priority. We place our trust in the Election Commission of India to uphold the principles of free and fair elections," the letter said.
“Delhi is the only state going to polls at this time, and the eyes of the entire country and the media will be on this election. In such a situation, it is the responsibility of the Election Commission to ensure free and fair elections. I request you again to please give me time to meet as soon as possible,” said CM Atishi in her letter.