মুম্বই : বলিউডে যখন MeToo মুভমেন্টের দাপাদাপি চলছিল, সেই সময় অনু মালিকের বিরুদ্ধে যৌন হেনস্থার একাধিক অভিযোগ এসেছিল। কিন্তু যখন সবকিছু স্বাভাবিক ছন্দে ফিরছে, অনুকে জনপ্রিয় রিয়্যালিটি শোয়ের বিচারক হিসেবে দেখা যাচ্ছে, মানুষ ধীরে ধীরে ভুলে যাচ্ছে MeToo মুভমেন্টের কথা, তখন আবার তরঙ্গ তৈরি করল প্লেব্যাক সিঙ্গার নেহা ভসিনের একটা অভিযোগ।
অনু মালিককে এক বেসরকারী চ্যানেলের রিয়্যালিটি শোয়ে বিচারক হিসেবে দেখা যাচ্ছে সম্প্রতি। এই শো থেকেই আগের বছর তাঁকে সরিয়ে দেওয়া হয়েছিল MeToo-র প্রতিক্রিয়া হিসেবে। তাঁর এই প্রত্যাবর্তন নিয়ে সোশাল মিডিয়ায় সরব হয়েছেন আর এক প্লেব্যাক সিঙ্গার সোনা মহাপাত্র। সোনাকে সমর্থন করে নেহা একটা পোস্ট করেছেন নিজের টুইটার অ্যাকাউন্টে। অনুর সঙ্গে তাঁর অস্বস্তিকর অভিজ্ঞতার কথা শেয়ার করেছেন সেই পোস্টে।
I agee with you. We do live in a very sexist world. Anu Malik is a predetor, i too have run away from his strange moves when i was 21. I didn't let myself get into a sticky situation beyond him lying on a sofa in front of me talking about my eyes in a studio. I fleed lying https://t.co/tQgStLrYyT
— Neha Bhasin (@nehabhasin4u) October 30, 2019 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">I agee with you. We do live in a very sexist world. Anu Malik is a predetor, i too have run away from his strange moves when i was 21. I didn't let myself get into a sticky situation beyond him lying on a sofa in front of me talking about my eyes in a studio. I fleed lying https://t.co/tQgStLrYyT
— Neha Bhasin (@nehabhasin4u) October 30, 2019I agee with you. We do live in a very sexist world. Anu Malik is a predetor, i too have run away from his strange moves when i was 21. I didn't let myself get into a sticky situation beyond him lying on a sofa in front of me talking about my eyes in a studio. I fleed lying https://t.co/tQgStLrYyT
— Neha Bhasin (@nehabhasin4u) October 30, 2019
নেহা লিখেছেন, "আমরা একটা সেক্সিস্ট দুনিয়ায় বসবাস করছি। অনু মালিক একজন শোষক। আমার যখন 21 বছর বয়স তখন ওর অদ্ভুত আচরণ দেখে আমায় এক জায়গা থেকে পালিয়ে আসতে হয়। এক স্টুডিয়োর সোফায় শুয়ে ও আমার চোখের বর্ণনা দিচ্ছিল। আমি মিথ্যে বলি যে, আমার মা নিচে অপেক্ষা করছে আর পালিয়ে আসি।"
I fleed lying my mums waiting below. He even msgd and called me after that to which i stopped responding. The point is i went to give him my cd and hope for a chance at a song. He was older and shouldnt have behaved the way he did. @The_AnuMalik is an ugly pervert and does not https://t.co/tQgStLrYyT
— Neha Bhasin (@nehabhasin4u) October 30, 2019 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">I fleed lying my mums waiting below. He even msgd and called me after that to which i stopped responding. The point is i went to give him my cd and hope for a chance at a song. He was older and shouldnt have behaved the way he did. @The_AnuMalik is an ugly pervert and does not https://t.co/tQgStLrYyT
— Neha Bhasin (@nehabhasin4u) October 30, 2019I fleed lying my mums waiting below. He even msgd and called me after that to which i stopped responding. The point is i went to give him my cd and hope for a chance at a song. He was older and shouldnt have behaved the way he did. @The_AnuMalik is an ugly pervert and does not https://t.co/tQgStLrYyT
— Neha Bhasin (@nehabhasin4u) October 30, 2019
অনু মালিককে "এক নোংরা ও বিকৃত মানুষ" বলে উল্লেখ করে নেহা বলেন যে, একজন অল্পবয়সী মেয়ের জন্য একা, পরিবার থেকে দূরে বসবাস করে জীবনটা চলা খুবই কঠিন। তাই হয়তো অনেক অপরাধীকেই ক্ষমা করে দিতে হয় পরিস্থিতির চাপে আর সেটাই নারী সমাজের পক্ষে খুব ক্ষতিকর, মত নেহার।
Even though i have a brave DNA Sona :) as you have known me the industry or the world was not an easy place as a young girl alone away from family due to many such Incidents or getting a hunch of such perverts. Perverts exist inside n outside our industry but why are we so https://t.co/VcCxryE8Ff
— Neha Bhasin (@nehabhasin4u) October 31, 2019 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">Even though i have a brave DNA Sona :) as you have known me the industry or the world was not an easy place as a young girl alone away from family due to many such Incidents or getting a hunch of such perverts. Perverts exist inside n outside our industry but why are we so https://t.co/VcCxryE8Ff
— Neha Bhasin (@nehabhasin4u) October 31, 2019Even though i have a brave DNA Sona :) as you have known me the industry or the world was not an easy place as a young girl alone away from family due to many such Incidents or getting a hunch of such perverts. Perverts exist inside n outside our industry but why are we so https://t.co/VcCxryE8Ff
— Neha Bhasin (@nehabhasin4u) October 31, 2019
(2) so forgiving to the men, do we realise that is what gives them the strength to ruin our dignity, hide us women in our houses. I hid many times so as to not get myself in a sticky situation. Why is it ok? For a man who is predetor to walk free while we hide in shame n fear? https://t.co/VcCxryE8Ff
— Neha Bhasin (@nehabhasin4u) October 31, 2019 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">(2) so forgiving to the men, do we realise that is what gives them the strength to ruin our dignity, hide us women in our houses. I hid many times so as to not get myself in a sticky situation. Why is it ok? For a man who is predetor to walk free while we hide in shame n fear? https://t.co/VcCxryE8Ff
— Neha Bhasin (@nehabhasin4u) October 31, 2019(2) so forgiving to the men, do we realise that is what gives them the strength to ruin our dignity, hide us women in our houses. I hid many times so as to not get myself in a sticky situation. Why is it ok? For a man who is predetor to walk free while we hide in shame n fear? https://t.co/VcCxryE8Ff
— Neha Bhasin (@nehabhasin4u) October 31, 2019
নেহা সেই বেসরকারী চ্যানেলকেও কাঠগড়ায় দাঁড় করিয়েছেন, যারা এতকিছুর পরও অনুকে বিচারকের আসনে বসিয়েছেন।
The press thinks i have something more to say.I said what i had to. @The_AnuMalik has been accused several times @SonyTV alone knows why he is so precious to them.Or why so many men here are supporting him. Power tripping was a thing of t 90s so look out perverts v are not scared
— Neha Bhasin (@nehabhasin4u) October 31, 2019 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">The press thinks i have something more to say.I said what i had to. @The_AnuMalik has been accused several times @SonyTV alone knows why he is so precious to them.Or why so many men here are supporting him. Power tripping was a thing of t 90s so look out perverts v are not scared
— Neha Bhasin (@nehabhasin4u) October 31, 2019The press thinks i have something more to say.I said what i had to. @The_AnuMalik has been accused several times @SonyTV alone knows why he is so precious to them.Or why so many men here are supporting him. Power tripping was a thing of t 90s so look out perverts v are not scared
— Neha Bhasin (@nehabhasin4u) October 31, 2019