O my King, beholding the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, I am at peace. You alone know my inner pain. O King; what can anyone else know? || Pause || O True Lord and Master, You are truly my King; whatever You do, all that is True. Who should I call a liar? There is other than You, O King. 1 You are pervading and permeating in all; O King, everyone meditates on You, day and night. Everyone begs of You, O my King: You alone give gifts to all. 2 All are under Your Power, O my King; none at all are beyond You. All beings are Yours- You belong to all, O my King. All shall merge and be absorbed in You. ||3|| You are the hope of all, O my Beloved; all meditate on You, O my King. As it pleases You, protect and preserve me, O my Beloved; You are the True King of Nanak. 4 |7 || 13 ||