Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh): The sleuths of the Uttar Pradesh (UP) Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) interrogated Pakistani Seema Haider Ghulam, who sneaked into India, for two days on Monday, July 17, and Tuesday, July 18. Sources said that two officers of Supritendets of Police rank and one officer of the Deputy Superintendent of Polic (SP) rank officer quizzed Karachi-based Seema and asked her 13 questions.
Seema Ghulam Haider from Karachi in Sindh province and Sachin Meena in India got in touch while playing PUBG in 2019 and a dramatic love story unfolded between the two living more than 1,300 km apart, in countries not too friendly to each other. Seema, 30, and Sachin, 22, live in the Rabupura area of Greater Noida, near Delhi, where he runs a provision store.
Also read:UP ATS questions Pak citizen Seema, Indian partner Sachin for over 9 hours on day 2
Meanwhile, the Uttar Pradesh ATS officials also quizzed Sachin Meena separately. Here are 13 questions that were asked to Seema Haider during the interrogation and the answers she provided.
Question 1:Which is the original of the two passports?
Seema:: I have been saying for the last ten days that earlier only Seema was written in the passport, due to which I was facing problems. That's why the second passport was made in the name of Seema Ghulam Haider. There is nothing else to add to it.
Question 2: Do you have a brother and uncle, who is in the Pakistan Army? Have they sent you here or has ISI asked you to go to India?
Seema: I have not met my brother and uncle for years and what is this ISI? I came to know about it in the last few days when I came to India when I was called an agent of ISI on a TV channel show. I have come to India through Nepal only for Sachin Meena.
Question 3: How is it possible that you used to live in Karachi and have not heard of ISI when your family members are in the Pakistani Army? You use a smartphone and play games like PubG. Then how do you not know about ISI?
Seema: Half my life was spent raising children and for the last five years I used to play PUBG just to pass the time. In such a situation, there was no time to listen to words like ISI.
Question 4: You did not get time to listen to the word ISI? Your English is very good despite studying till only standard fifth?
Seema: Whatever I learned, I learned only after 2019 when I started playing PUBG. I used to play with educated boys and men, so I learned English from them.
It is worth noting that the ATS officer wrote a few lines in English on the page and gave it to Seema to read, then Seema read it immediately.
Question 5:You are not communicating in your language - Urdu, Arabic, Sindhi, but in Hindi. And you are speaking English very well, who gave you training for this? Were you told to speak in pure Hindi there so that you can mix with the people of India? We have heard that you speak words like refugee, and disaster, in a very pure manner
Seema:No one has taught me. I have said on multiple occasions that I have come here only for my love. Neither anyone has given me training nor has anyone sent me. I have learned Hindi while speaking with Sachin.
Question 6: Sachin Meena himself does not speak Hindi properly. There is a touch of western Uttar Pradesh in his language. What you are speaking is like a trained person, how is this possible?