Tumakuru: Former Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy has set a new record by undertaking 'Pancharatna Rathayatra' across the state from November 18. The people of the state honoured HD Kumaraswamy (HDK) with different types of huge garlands during the 'Pancharatna Rathayatra'. So, the former Chief Minister has entered the Asia Book of Records and the India Book of Records. The former chief minister spent the whole day on a yatra in Tumakuru rural constituency on Thursday and stayed at Yallapura village of the constituency.
Asia Book of Records judge Mohit Kumar Vatsa and India Book of Records judge R Harish arrived at the village and handed over the letters and medals of both the records to the former chief minister. "The record for offering maximum large garlands of different varieties to a political figure is set by Team HDK organisation and its group members of Bengaluru. The organisation offered 500 large garlands of different varieties prepared with different fruits and vegetables to HD Kumaraswamy, the former Chief Minister of Karnataka, during his 'Pancharatna Ratha Yatra' rallies at different places of Karnataka that commenced on November 18, 2022, till December 29, 2022," the India Book of Records certificate reads. Speaking on the occasion, Asia Book of Records judge Mohit Kumar said, "This is a special record. It's great that a politician is honoured on such a large scale and the farmers welcome him by making huge garlands of the crops they have grown."
Also read:Massive BJP logo enters World Records, thanks to Kutch BJP workers