Varanasi (UP):The police have arrested 15 women involved in a series of jewellery thefts at a religious 'Katha' event in Domri under the Ramnagar Police Station area here, an official said on Friday. Jewellery worth approximately Rs 10 lakh has been recovered from the women, who were apprehended during the storytelling session of renowned Pandit Pradeep Mishra, he said.
The arrests follow a complaint filed at the Ramnagar Police Station regarding a jewellery theft during the ongoing 'Katha' event. Acting on this complaint, Police Commissioner Mohit Agarwal visited the area on Thursday and ordered a thorough investigation using CCTV footage to identify the culprits. Upon investigation, the police discovered that the women were part of a gang specializing in jewellery thefts at large gatherings.