Varanasi: The Uttar Pradesh ATS has arrested two including the kingpin of a gang that smuggled fake Indian currency of nearly Rs two lakh from West Bengal to Uttar Pradesh. Fake currencies valuing Rs 1.97 lakh have been confiscated from the accused — Mohammad Suleman Ansari and Idrish, both residents of Bihar.
According to the UP ATS, information kept coming in about a gang being operated by one Mohammad Suleman Ansari, a resident of Vaishali district of Bihar. The gang members are supplying fake Indian currencies to various districts of Uttar Pradesh through carriers from Malda in West Bengal. On confirming the information, the field unit of ATS Varanasi on Tuesday arrested Ansari along with accomplice Idrish from the Sarnath area of Varanasi with fake Indian currency worth Rs 1.97 lakh.
During interrogation, the accused revealed that they used to work as tyre-puncture repairers in Malda. During this time they got in touch with one Zakir, a resident of Malda, who supplies fake currencies. Zakir lured them with a three-to-four-time profit by supplying fake currencies and the fake notes, supplied by Zakir, could be easily circulated in the market.