Agra:In a bizarre instance, police in Uttar Pradesh registered a case against a dead person, raising many eyebrows. The matter did not stop there. The investigating officer also recorded the statements of the deceased and another person and filed a charge-sheet in an Agra court. The matter came to light when the victims knocked on the court's door.
On the court's order, Hariparvat police station officials registered a case against four sub-inspectors and the finance company official. Pratap Singh, a resident of village Kailash within the Sikandra police station area limits, took a loan of Rs 1,43,381 from the MG Road branch of Shri Ram Transport Finance Company Limited. Mangal Singh resident Dayanand Nagar Dayalbagh signed the agreement for this loan as a guarantor.
When the loan installments were not paid, the finance company on August 26, 2018, on the order of the court filed a case against Pratap Singh and Mangal Singh in Hariparvat police station under several serious sections including fraud. Mangal alleged that the fraud case was investigated by four investigators of Hariparvat police station. They included sub-inspectors Manish Kumar, Rajiv Tomar, Rakesh Kumar and Amit Prasad.