Gaya (Bihar):The Pitru Paksha fair commenced in Gaya on Tuesday, attracting lakhs of devotees from across India and abroad. On the second day of the fair, followers performed the sacred ritual of bathing in the Phalguni river and offering Pind Daan Shraddha with kheer balls on the riverbanks.
According to Hindu tradition, performing Pind Daan with kheer balls on the Phalgu riverbanks ensures the satisfaction and salvation of ancestors across generations. The Phalgu river, considered sacred and filled with the fragrance of Lord Vishnu's body, holds great significance in Gaya, the city of Moksha.
Devotees followed the ritualistic process, beginning with a bath in the Phalgu River, followed by the Shraddha Pind Daan ceremony with kheer balls on the riverbanks. This ancient practice is believed to liberate the entire clan and grant ancestors salvation.
The Pitru Paksha fair features provisions for Pind Daan and Tarpan on different days and altars. The fair's organisers have arranged to accommodate the vast influx of pilgrims seeking salvation for their ancestors.
Gaya's Vishnu Pada temple, situated on the Phalguni river's banks, is a prominent site for Pind Daan. Religious texts equate the Phalguni River to the Ganges, emphasizing its spiritual significance.
Throughout the fortnight, devotees will perform Tripakshik Shraddha rituals. For those unable to complete the full ritual, shorter versions spanning eight, five, three, or one day are available. With the fair underway, Gaya is abuzz with spiritual activity, as thousands converge to secure their ancestors' salvation and seek divine blessings.
The Pitru Paksha fair will continue until the fortnight night, providing a sacred platform for devotees to honour their ancestors and strive for spiritual liberation.