Hyderabad: The Telangana Police has earned global recognition, winning the prestigious Digital Engineering Award for use of advanced technology in managing the massive Ganesh idol immersion ceremony. The award was jointly presented by Information Services Group (ISG) and CNBC-TV18 under the auspices of L&T, during a ceremony held in Dallas, USA.
On Monday, the Telangana Police shared this news and highlighted how the combination of Geographical Information System (GIS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) played a pivotal role in ensuring the safety, sustainability and smooth immersion of nearly 150 lakh Lord Ganesh idols across Hyderabad. The entire police team and Command Control Centre has garnered praises for the hassle-free management of the immersion ceremony.
As per reports, Telangana Police ensured that all the Ganesh idols were geo-tagged and the entire immersion ceremony was carried out smoothly under constant CCTV and drone surveillance.
Innovative Technological Measures
- Geo-Tagging: All idols were geo-tagged for real-time tracking.
- CCTV And Drone Surveillance: A network of 733 CCTVs and drone cameras strategically monitored the key areas.
- Massive Workforce: Around 25,000 police personnel and 15,000 municipal staff were deployed to oversee the operation for successful implementation of the technology.