Chennai:The Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly witnessed a heated exchange today when a member of the Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK), G.K. Mani, raised questions about the alleged involvement of the Tamil Nadu government in a US court case against the Adani Group.
In the Question and Answer session, Mani questioned if the Tamil Nadu government had any connection to the case, which had been filed in a US court. He alleged that the Adani Group had made substantial investments in Tamil Nadu and that there were irregularities in solar power contracts.
Responding to these allegations, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin refuted all claims, stating that neither he nor the state government had any connections with the Adani Group.
He challenged the PMK and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to raise these issues in the Parliament, where a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) probe into the Adani Group had been demanded by opposition parties.