Bhopal: In a tragic incident, two people died when their car plunged into a canal on Kolar Road in Madhya Pradesh’s Bhopal late Wednesday night, police said. The deceased, identified as Palash Gaikwad and Vineet Daksha were recording a reel inside the vehicle when the car went out of control and fell into the canal, they said.
A third occupant, Piyush, managed to escape by breaking the rear glass of the car. On receiving the information, the Kolar police rushed to the spot and broke the car's glass to rescue the occupants. However, Palash and Vineet were declared dead on the spot.
According to Kolar Police Station in-charge Sanjay Tiwari, the three friends, all residents of Shahpura, were returning from a dhaba and were making a reel inside the car when the accident took place.
"The car, driven by Vineet Daksha, suddenly went out of control near the culvert ahead of Drishti City and fell into the canal. Due to the cold, the car windows were shut and the occupants were unable to escape. The rear glass was slightly broken and Piyush managed to escape from the car. However, Palash and Vineet were drowned in the incident," Tiwari said.
Following the accident, the bodies were sent for post-mortem on Thursday and later handed over to their families. Vineet, who had recently been appointed on compassionate grounds, was driving the vehicle at the time of the incident.
Local residents expressed concerns about the accident-prone area near the canal and demanded a safety inspection of the spot, where a culvert is under construction. They urged authorities to take appropriate measures to prevent such tragedies in the future.
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