Sircilla: In a horrific accident, an elderly woman, Pitla Rajyalakshmi (82) died after being mauled by a pack of stray dogs inside her house at Battuvani Thallu – a small village in Rajanna Sircilla district, around midnight on Wednesday, July 31. The animal also ate away parts of the victim's face and body, police said. Later, angry villagers killed the stray dog.
According to villagers, Rajyalakshmi was sleeping in a hut near her house on Wednesday night. The dogs entered the house easily as it lacked a door and attacked her while she was in deep sleep. Her body was found by her sons in the morning, without the head and a portion of the abdomen also apparently missing after being eaten by the dogs.
Locals were alerted about the incident after they saw the dog near the victim's house vomiting out flesh on a roadway. They alerted the family, who subsequently verified Lakshmi's body. Lakshmi had spent the last four years confined to a bed, said Mustabad police. Her two sons had taken care of her, keeping her in a separate room outside their home.