New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate from New Delhi, Pravesh Verma, has been accused of violating the Model Code of Conduct (MCC). Based on a complaint of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), the Election Commission has directed the Delhi Police to take action against Verma.
AAP has alleged that Verma and his supporters distributed pamphlets to lure the public while campaigning without permission. These pamphlets did not have the details of the printer and publisher, which is a violation of Section 127-A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951. The party has also complained that BJP workers set up camps at many places under the 'Har Ghar Naukri' scheme to influence voters. The saffron party workers violated the MCC by organising job camps without permission, AAP leaders added.
Based on the complaint, the Election Commission has directed Delhi Police and the concerned departments to investigate the matter. It has been learnt that the commission's flying squad team visited Princess Park but no evidence of distributing pamphlets was found.
The Election Commission has clarified that luring voters with benefits like guarantee cards or collecting their personal information (name, address, mobile number and others) is a violation of the MCC. The Commission has asked the Delhi Police and other concerned officials to take immediate action and submit a report.
Premendra Pal, head of the legal cell of AAP said BJP is doing all this in a planned manner to influence voters. He has requested the Election Commission to put a ban on such activities and take strict action against the culprits.
No formal statement has been received from the BJP. However, party sources have termed these allegations baseless. If the allegations are proved, strict legal action can be taken against Verma and his supporters, they claimed.
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